
Home . Post-Op

Maple Grove Dentistry

Post-Op Instructions


  • Pressure should be placed on damp gauze by biting down for 30-45 minutes following the extraction.  If the area is still bleeding replace the gauze and apply pressure for another 45 minutes.  The area may ooze but there shouldn’t be significant bleeding.
  • If your children had a tooth removed please monitor them closely so that they do not bite their numb lips or tongue.
  • Avoid drinking or eating anything hot or spicy following your extraction.  Carbonated beverages, drinking with a straw and spitting should also be avoided.  You should not brush the teeth in the area where the tooth was removed for at least 24 hours.
  • Do not smoke for 48 hours after your tooth is removed.
  • Surgical extractions may result in some pain, swelling, and/or bruising.  Applying an ice pack and following the medication protocol given to you at your appointment will help to minimize these complications.
  • Please strictly follow the medication protocol given to you.
  • For 3-4 days following your surgery a soft food and liquid diet should be followed.  Foods that are high in protein such as yogurt, milkshakes, and scrambled eggs are recommended.
  • Contact our office if you experience severe pain, swelling, excessive bleeding or if you have any other questions or concerns.  If serious emergencies arise you should call 911.


  • Avoid eating until the numbness has worn off.
  • If your child had a filling done please monitor them closely so they do not bite or chew their lips or tongue.
  • Although rare, you may experience cold or heat sensitivity and/or gum soreness for a few days following your appointment.  This should subside but please contact our office if it continues for longer than two weeks.

Crown, Bridges, Onlays

  • Crowns and bridges are usually completed in two appointments.  The first appointment will involve preparing the tooth so the lab can fabricate your custom crown.  You will then return for a second appointment during which your crown will be cemented.
  • Following your initial appointment you may have some tooth sensitivity or your gums may be slightly sore.  Any sensitivity or gum soreness should go away after the permanent crown is cemented.
  • Your temporary crown is made of plastic.  As such it can break if you place too much pressure on it.  Likewise, it is cemented with temporary cement so it can be removed at a later date.  To avoid having the temporary come off unexpectedly be sure to avoid chewing sticky or hard foods (gum, ice, etc).  The temporary is placed to protect your tooth and to make sure it does not move.  As such, if the temporary comes off prior to your next appointment, put it back in place if possible and contact our office.
  • You should continue to brush your teeth normally while the temporary is in place.  When flossing you can floss towards the gums but then pull the floss through the sides of your teeth so that you do not accidently pull the temporary off.

Root Canal Therapy

  • Following root canal therapy it is not uncommon to experience moderate pain and or sensitive to pressure on your tooth.  Additionally, your gums may be sore for a few days following treatment.  The tooth takes several days to heal but the pain should go away.
  • Following any pain medication protocol given to you by the office.
  • Be sure to bite carefully if a crown is not placed on your tooth at the time the root canal is completed.  Sometimes the tooth can be fragile and will need to be reinforced before you can chew normally with it.  Any unnecessary delay in reinforcing the tooth may damage it permanently.

Teeth Cleaning (Deep Cleaning)

  • After your deep cleaning appointment you may experience some hot or cold sensitivity.  This should subside after a day or two.
  • Continue to brush and floss as instructed by the hygienist and be sure to follow any additional instructions you were given.
  • Mild bleeding following a deep cleaning is considered normal but please contact our office if you are experiencing excessive bleeding.

Implant Surgery

  • You may experience some mild discomfort or bleeding the day of your implant surgery.
  • Follow all of the pain management recommendations given to you at your appointment.
  • Apply an ice bag to your face over the area where the implant was placed for 10 minutes and then remove it for 5 minutes.  This process can be repeated to minimize the swelling.
  • Avoid raising or pulling your lips to the side to look at the surgical area.
  • Avoid brushing your teeth near the surgical area for 24 hours.

Denture Delivery

  • Your new dentures will cause ‘hot spots’ or areas where the denture is rubbing painfully against the gums.  All new dentures need to be adjusted so that they will fit comfortably in your mouth.  Note any areas where the denture doesn’t feel like it is fitting right and address them with Dr. Jensen or the assistant at your next appointment.
  • Take some time to get used to your new dentures.  It will take practice to learn to talk and eat with them.  Do not get discouraged as your muscles and tongue will adapt rather quickly to the new change.
  • Remove your dentures every night and keep them in a container with water and a denture cleaning solution.  Your gums need to rest without having the dentures covering them all of the time.
  • Clean your dentures with a denture brush and water before placing them back in your mouth.  Avoid any harsh abrasives or stiff bristled brushes as they can damage your denture.